Survival Investing
How to Prosper Amid Thieving Banks and Corrupt Governments
John R. Talbott
- A
- startling
- look
- at
- how
- unsustainable
- debt
- levels,
- in
- the
- US
- and
- around
- the
- world,
- are
- endangering
- many
- standard
- investments,
- and
- what
- people
- need
- to
- know
- to
- protect
- their
- moneyMost
- individuals
- and
- institutions
- hold
- the
- preponderance
- of
- their
- investments
- in
- common
- stocks,
- corporate
- bonds,
- mutual
- funds,
- index
- funds,
- muni
- bonds,
- money
- markets,
- bank
- CDs,
- and
- Treasury
- securities.
- But
- these
- conventional
- investments
- will
- not
- do
- well
- in
- a
- world
- dominated
- by
- corrupt,
- debt-laden
- governments
- and
- thieving
- bankers,
- brokers
- and
- middlemen.Finance
- guru
- John
- R.
- Talbott,
- prescient
- predictor
- of
- the
- financial
- crisis
- and
- the
- housing
- market
- crash,
- offers
- a
- new
- paradigm
- for
- the
- coming
- economic
- reality.
- He
- shows
- how
- the
- recent
- housing
- collapse
- and
- global
- economic
- crisis
- left
- governments
- of
- the
- world
- with
- enormous
- annual
- operating
- deficits
- at
- a
- time
- when
- the
- banking
- system
- continues
- to
- struggle
- with
- bad
- debts
- and
- requires
- additional
- government
- guarantees
- and
- bailouts.
- Add
- the
- fact
- that
- growth
- is
- constrained
- because
- the
- first
- wave
- of
- the
- baby
- boom
- is
- hitting
- 65
- and
- consumers
- are
- still
- loaded
- with
- unsustainable
- levels
- of
- debt,
- and
- you
- have
- a
- recipe
- for
- an
- economic
- catastrophe.
- In
- this
- uncertain
- atmosphere,
- Talbott
- offers
- clear
- strategies
- on
- what
- you
- can
- do
- to
- protect
- your
- investments
- and
- your
- family.Among
- the
- global
- dynamics
- covered
- are:*the
- low-wage
- threat
- of
- China
- and
- India
- legitimacy
- of
- gold
- investing
- false
- security
- of
- diversification
- risks
- of
- sovereign
- debt.
- .
- .
- and
- why
- most
- economists
- are
- missing
- the boat.
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