In this enlightening book, Dr John Ramasamy imparts some illuminating insights into the principles and practices of leadership needful in our times. He is aware of the need to realign our thinking and approach in the light of the exponential advances in a progressive world. He emphasises the need for integrity in a world wallowing in rampant, pervasive corruption socially, politically and economically. We are all too familiar with the examples of self-serving arrogant leaders who wield enormous power to subjugate their people in an agenda of profligacy and self-aggrandisement.
The chapter on vision and goalsetting in different spheres is most revealing. It calls for clear visionary leadership that seeks to ensure the wellbeing of followers, as well as enabling them to fulfil worthy goals and objectives. For this to succeed leaders need to dispense with outdated approaches and methods which could fossilise us into irrelevance. The author draws attention to the need to be at the cutting edge in a world in the throes of rapid change.
But in all this one must not lose sight of the moral component. Leaders are called upon to make decisions that comply with the highest ethical norms and values. Attention is drawn to the works of eminent theologians and philosophers such as St Augustine, Karl Barth and J.S. Mill, all of whom call for practical expressions of Christian ethical principles. It is what German sociologist Max Weber refers to as an ethic of responsibility.
The last section acknowledges the life and work of great Christian leaders in the church and society. These revolutionaries were inspired with a vision to transform whole societies and nations, from the reformer Martin Luther to Nelson Mandela, they all ensured the indelible rewriting of the history of humankind.
For us to succeed antiquated, obsolete forms must be jettisoned and give way to leadership on the cutting edge of progress, but without sacrificing the ethical and moral principles which must undergird our actions.
His previous books are:
African Dawn – The African Renaissance and Christian Values
In His Footprints – Principles of Christian Discipleship