Dead Watch
Reeks: Night Watch
John Sandford
- The
- #1
- New
- York
- Times
- bestselling
- author
- of
- the
- Lucas
- Davenport
- novels
- delivers
- “a
- page-turner
- with
- a
- new
- hero,
- [and
- a]
- breakneck
- pace"
- (Minneapolis
- Star
- Tribune).“Former
- Sen.
- Lincoln
- Bowe,
- a
- Republican,
- has
- been
- missing
- for
- several
- days,
- setting
- off
- alarms
- on
- both
- sides
- of
- the
- political
- aisle.
- Finally,
- he
- is
- discovered
- in
- the
- remote
- Virginia
- woods,
- barb-wired
- to
- a
- tree,
- burned
- almost
- beyond
- recognition
- and
- missing
- his
- head.
- Democratic
- ‘research
- assistant’
- (read:
- fixer)
- Jacob
- Winter,
- ex-Army
- Intelligence,
- wounded
- in
- Afghanistan,
- is
- called
- in
- by
- the
- Democratic
- president
- to
- unravel
- an
- extremely
- messy
- situation
- and
- shield
- his
- office
- from
- any
- hint
- of
- scandal.
- As
- this
- runaway
- train
- picks
- up
- speed,
- innocents
- are
- murdered,
- and
- the
- guilty
- come
- to
- Jesus…"…Sandford
- is
- a
- master
- at
- creating
- believable,
- indelible
- characters
- like
- Winter…[He]
- is
- peerless
- when
- it
- comes
- to
- economical,
- taut
- plotting,
- most
- notably
- at
- building
- tension.
- Dead
- Watch
- is
- anything
- but
- politics
- as
- usual.”—San
- Antonio Express-News
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