- "Inkling"
- is
- the
- science
- fiction
- story
- of
- a
- man
- named
- Gyro,
- a
- down-on-his-luck
- veteran
- of
- Planetary
- Defense,
- who
- also
- happens
- to
- be
- an
- amateur
- computer
- programmer.
- Desperate
- for
- a
- job,
- he
- signs
- a
- five-year
- contract
- when
- the
- Virtue
- Mining
- Corporation
- offers
- him
- a
- career
- on
- Joules,
- a
- far-distant
- mining
- planet.He
- goes
- through
- basic
- training
- with
- Skoots,
- a
- former
- high
- school
- sports
- star
- who
- has
- a
- major
- obsession
- with
- women.
- Despite
- their
- differing
- personalities
- and
- outlooks
- on
- life,
- the
- two
- men
- become
- fast
- friends.During
- transport
- to
- the
- mining
- planet,
- a
- distorted
- hyperspace
- jump
- throws
- their
- spacecraft
- into
- an
- uncharted
- sector
- of
- the
- galaxy,
- thus
- placing
- the
- welfare
- of
- the
- crew
- and
- passengers
- in
- jeopardy
- Hopelessly
- lost
- in
- space,
- Gyro
- has
- an
- idea,
- an
- inkling
- about
- how
- to
- use
- his
- programming
- experience
- to
- rescue
- the
- ship,
- but
- a
- mutiny
- erupts
- on
- board,
- making
- survival
- a
- race
- against
- time
- as
- their
- food
- supply
- runs out.
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