Zapata and the Mexican Revolution
John Womack
- This
- essential
- volume
- recalls
- the
- activities
- of
- Emiliano
- Zapata
- (1879-1919),
- a
- leading
- figure
- in
- the
- Mexican
- Revolution;
- he
- formed
- and
- commanded
- an
- important
- revolutionary
- force
- during
- this
- conflict.
- Womack
- focuses
- attention
- on
- Zapata's
- activities
- and
- his
- home
- state
- of
- Morelos
- during
- the
- Revolution.
- Zapata
- quickly
- rose
- from
- his
- position
- as
- a
- peasant
- leader
- in
- a
- village
- seeking
- agrarian
- reform.
- Zapata's
- dedication
- to
- the
- cause
- of
- land
- rights
- made
- him
- a
- hero
- to
- the
- people.
- Womack
- describes
- the
- contributing
- factors
- and
- conditions
- preceding
- the
- Mexican
- Revolution,
- creating
- a
- narrative
- that
- examines
- political
- and
- agrarian
- transformations
- on
- local
- and
- national levels.