Upon the plain I saw him slain,
Silvaticus Rex, King of men.
By spear, pierced; By woman, betrayed,
The hand of the one whom he loved most.
Upon the plain I saw it raised,
A mound of earth, tomb for a king.
In memory made, in honor kept;
A burial place, house of the dead.
Upon the plain I saw them gather,
Build a temple, a holy place.
Stone and pitch, ochre paint,
A space for the god, whom they worshipped.
Tambour and sistrum, drum and horn;
Celebration's frenzy, festival's gift.
Opal, lapis, beryl, betyl;
Gems and stones, pillars lifted.
Dance! Sing! Upon the plain;
Forget the man, the one you've slain.
Symbols in clay, words of God;
Sacred marks and secret rites.
Upon the plain, I witnessed a sign;
Thunder, lightning, Heaven's fire.
I saw them live, watched them die;
Babel's children, all confused.