In the quiet town of Pinecreek, California, a group of friends—Evan, Jenna, Katie, and Mack—stumbles upon an ancient mystery that will change their lives forever. As summer unfolds, they uncover the legend of the Jackalope, a mythical creature with the body of a hare and the antlers of an antelope, said to roam the dense woods and mimic human voices to lure unsuspecting hunters.
Curiosity leads the group deeper into the heart of Pinecreek's dark past, where they discover an old memorial marking the tragic Pinecreek Incident of 1976. When the body of a deer with twisted antlers appears on Evan's doorstep, fear turns into belief: the Jackalope might be more than just a story.
But as they dig deeper, the stakes rise when Mack goes missing, calling out to his friends in a voice that isn't quite his own. With the town sheriff warning them to stay away from the woods, Evan and his friends must unravel the threads of a chilling mystery, confront their deepest fears, and learn the truth behind the legend.
"Whispers of the Jackalope" is a thrilling blend of mystery and light horror that captures the essence of 80s adventure, exploring themes of friendship, courage, and the shadows that lurk in the woods. Join the Pinecreek Explorers on a journey filled with suspense, discovery, and a touch of the supernatural.