The Varissian Affair

The Marcus Files, #1

Reeks: The Marcus Files


The date is 2184. Chief Petty Officer Tahir Marcus, assigned to Terra Nine as part of the Alliance mission to win favor with the Varissi governing council, is faced with a difficult task indeed.

The Earth led Alliance is in position to make a move on the Fleet, that is, if they can control the supply chain of Ciaranian – a rare crystal, recently discovered to have the ability to power an entire starship. Found only on Terra Nine, a planet on the far edge of the known galaxy, the Alliance must contend with a local population, the Varissians, who are well placed on becoming a major player in intergalactic affairs and trade, especially with several empires and planetary groups eager to access their untapped resource. Within days of his arrival, Marcus is thrown into a web of deceit and conflicting factions between the Alliance and with the Consulate General and his lackeys eager to make deals and mine Ciaranian at any costs, even if it means the subjugation and termination of those that follow the Tinara.

When Alliance bombs are found to have destroyed several settlements including the Alliance base, Marcus, now one of the few remaining attaché members on the planet, must carefully navigate the delicate situation to figure out what is really going on, how to notify command, and how to stop a planned genocide before it is too late.

He has managed the impossible before, can he do it again?

Warning: This book contains adult content especially with language and violence. Not suitable for younger readers.

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