- **THE
- the
- bestselling
- author
- of
- Extremely
- Loud
- and
- Incredibly
- Close,
- Everything
- is
- Illuminated
- and
- We
- are
- the
- Weather
- -
- a
- rich
- and
- moving
- novel
- about
- modern
- family
- lives
- and
- the
- ties
- that
- bind**'Towering
- and
- glorious:
- a
- tale
- of
- social,
- familial
- and
- marital
- breakdown
- and
- the
- End
- of
- the
- World.
- The
- funniest
- literary
- novel
- I
- have
- ever
- read'
- The
- Times'A
- rich,
- beautifully
- written,
- ambitious
- and
- grandly
- moving
- novel,
- which
- looks
- both
- at
- the
- world
- at
- large
- and
- at
- the
- deepest
- concerns
- of
- individual
- lives'
- Evening
- Standard'Lays
- bare
- the
- interior
- of
- a
- marriage
- with
- such
- intelligence
- and
- deep
- feeling
- and
- pitiless
- clarity,
- it's
- impossible
- to
- read
- it
- and
- not
- re-examine
- your
- own
- family'
- Time'Astonishing.
- So
- sad
- and
- so
- funny
- and
- so
- wry'
- Scotland
- on
- SundayJacob
- and
- Julia
- Bloch
- are
- about
- to
- be
- tested
- .
- .
- .By
- Jacob's
- grandfather,
- who
- won't
- go
- quietly
- into
- a
- retirement
- home.
- the
- family
- reunion,
- that
- everyone
- is
- dreading.
- their
- son's
- heroic
- attempts
- to
- get
- expelled.
- by
- the
- sexting
- affair
- that
- will
- rock
- their
- marriage.A
- typical
- modern
- American
- family,
- the
- Blochs
- cling
- together
- even
- as
- they
- are
- torn
- apart.
- Which
- is
- when
- catastrophe
- decides
- to
- strike
- .
- .
- .Confronting
- the
- enduring
- question
- of
- what
- it
- means
- to
- be
- human
- with
- inventiveness,
- playfulness
- and
- compassion,
- Here
- I
- Am
- is
- a
- great
- American
- family
- novel
- for
- our
- times,
- an
- unmissable
- read
- for
- fans
- of
- Jonathan
- Franzen
- and
- Michael
- Chabon,
- a
- masterpiece
- about
- how
- we
- live now.
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