- A
- monumental
- novel
- from
- the
- bestselling
- author
- of
- Everything
- Is
- Illuminated
- and
- Extremely
- Loud
- and
- Incredibly
- Close,
- Jonathan
- Safran
- Foer's
- Here
- I
- AmIn
- the
- book
- of
- Genesis,
- when
- God
- calls
- out,
- “Abraham!”
- before
- ordering
- him
- to
- sacrifice
- his
- son,
- Isaac,
- Abraham
- responds,
- “Here
- I
- am.”
- Later,
- when
- Isaac
- calls
- out,
- “My
- father!”
- before
- asking
- him
- why
- there
- is
- no
- animal
- to
- slaughter,
- Abraham
- responds,
- “Here
- I
- am.”How
- do
- we
- fulfill
- our
- conflicting
- duties
- as
- father,
- husband,
- and
- son;
- wife
- and
- mother;
- child
- and
- adult?
- Jew
- and
- American?
- How
- can
- we
- claim
- our
- own
- identities
- when
- our
- lives
- are
- linked
- so
- closely
- to
- others’?
- These
- are
- the
- questions
- at
- the
- heart
- of
- Jonathan
- Safran
- Foer’s
- first
- novel
- in
- eleven
- years—a
- work
- of
- extraordinary
- scope
- and
- heartbreaking
- intimacy.Unfolding
- over
- four
- tumultuous
- weeks
- in
- present-day
- Washington,
- D.C.,
- Here
- I
- Am
- is
- the
- story
- of
- a
- fracturing
- family
- in
- a
- moment
- of
- crisis.
- As
- Jacob
- and
- Julia
- Bloch
- and
- their
- three
- sons
- are
- forced
- to
- confront
- the
- distances
- between
- the
- lives
- they
- think
- they
- want
- and
- the
- lives
- they
- are
- living,
- a
- catastrophic
- earthquake
- sets
- in
- motion
- a
- quickly
- escalating
- conflict
- in
- the
- Middle
- East.
- At
- stake
- is
- the
- meaning
- of
- home—and
- the
- fundamental
- question
- of
- how
- much
- aliveness
- one
- can
- bear.Showcasing
- the
- same
- high-energy
- inventiveness,
- hilarious
- irreverence,
- and
- emotional
- urgency
- that
- readers
- loved
- in
- his
- earlier
- work,
- Here
- I
- Am
- is
- Foer’s
- most
- searching,
- hard-hitting,
- and
- grandly
- entertaining
- novel
- yet.
- It
- not
- only
- confirms
- Foer’s
- stature
- as
- a
- dazzling
- literary
- talent
- but
- reveals
- a
- novelist
- who
- has
- fully
- come
- into
- his
- own
- as
- one
- of
- our
- most
- important
- writers.***“*Dazzling
- .
- .
- .
- A
- profound
- novel
- about
- the
- claims
- of
- identity,
- history,
- family,
- and
- the
- burdens
- of
- a
- broken
- world.”
- —Maureen
- Corrigan,
- *NPR’*s
- “Fresh Air”
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