The Wisdom Speaks To Women
Joni Wilson
- “This
- Wisdom
- is
- coming
- from,
- shall
- we
- say,
- the
- brothers
- and
- sisters
- that
- have
- reached
- and
- stepped
- beyond
- the
- human
- experience,
- and
- gently
- and
- lovingly
- reach
- back
- to
- pull
- those
- who
- have
- ears
- to
- hear,
- up
- into
- the
- higher
- experience.”
- Wisdom
- Speaks:
- Session
- Twenty-twoSuppose
- you
- walked
- into
- your
- backyard
- and
- bumped
- into
- a
- Being
- who
- could
- give
- you
- an
- accurate
- view
- of
- life
- on
- planet
- Earth!Suppose
- that
- Being
- opened
- a
- direct
- line,
- where
- day
- or
- night
- you
- could
- ask
- every
- question
- that
- popped
- into
- your
- head,
- to
- get
- simple,
- honest
- answers.Questions
- about
- life’s
- purpose,
- the
- original
- blueprint
- for
- sex,
- how
- to
- heal
- our
- bodies,
- earth
- school,
- death,
- accurate
- world
- history,
- male/female
- relationships,
- conquering
- fear,
- health,
- divorce,
- business,
- abundance,
- energetic
- healing
- techniques,
- serial
- brain
- chatter,
- loving
- self,
- the
- cosmos,
- spiritual
- expansion,
- religion,
- child
- rearing,
- the
- “big
- picture”
- and
- “God”.
- it
- didn’t
- happen
- in
- our
- backyard
- (it
- was
- inside
- the
- house,
- actually)
- and
- we
- didn’t
- physically
- bump
- into
- anybody.
- Yet
- our
- personal
- encounters
- with
- The
- Wisdom—a
- consortium
- of
- non-physical
- teachers—provide
- us
- with
- astonishing
- insight
- into
- all
- of
- the
- aforementioned
- topics.Their
- answers
- may
- surprise
- you.
- Transformative
- energy,
- encoded
- into
- the
- communication
- from
- The
- Wisdom,
- ignites
- dynamic
- spiritual
- expansion.
- To
- gain
- clarity,
- purpose
- and
- freedom
- in
- your
- own
- life,
- simply
- open
- this
- book
- and
- experience
- your
- own
- encounter
- with
- The
- Wisdom.
- If
- you
- had
- a
- direct
- line
- to
- Wisdom,
- what
- would
- you
- ask?A
- Peek
- InsideThe
- book
- is
- co-written
- by
- Christina
- Rose
- and
- Joni
- Wilson.
- 2
- talented
- women
- who's
- need
- to
- know
- the
- truth
- set
- them
- on
- a
- journey
- that
- includes
- both
- the
- inner
- (spiritual)
- and
- the
- outer
- (human)
- existences.
- It
- offers
- a
- formula
- for
- balancing
- both
- worlds
- while
- experiencing
- the
- challenges
- women
- encounter
- daily
- from
- divorce,
- infidelity,
- health,
- raising
- children,
- financial
- security
- to
- seeking
- true
- happiness
- in
- a
- chaotic
- environment.The
- Wisdom
- Speaks
- To
- Women
- brings
- forth
- the
- gift
- of
- the
- female
- energy,
- which
- is
- asking,
- begging,
- seeking,
- and
- hungry
- for
- information
- that
- is
- not
- steeped
- in
- anger,
- killing,
- and
- a
- quest
- for
- power.
- Our
- world
- desperately
- needs
- this
- balancing
- female
- energy
- to
- offset
- and
- stabilize
- its
- male
- counterpart.This
- book
- offers
- the
- reader
- Real
- answers
- to
- Real
- questions
- like:Can
- I
- really
- heal
- myself?
- And
- do
- we
- need
- to
- “age?
- can
- I
- eliminate
- fear,
- and
- find
- freedom?
- I
- have
- a
- soul
- mate?
- Do
- I
- need
- one?
- Just
- one?
- is
- life’s
- joy,
- and
- how
- do
- I
- find
- true
- balance?
- the
- off
- switch
- to
- my
- endless
- brain
- chatter?
- is
- the
- big
- picture
- of
- life
- and
- death?
- there
- life
- after
- motherhood?
- the
- feelings
- of
- unworthiness
- and
- powerlessness?
- the
- original
- blueprint
- for
- sex?
- is
- my
- purpose—where
- do
- I
- fit?With
- over
- 140
- sessions
- with
- The
- Wisdom
- and
- 9
- years
- of
- being
- guided
- through
- the
- good,
- the
- bad,
- and
- the
- ugly
- side
- of
- living
- in
- this
- human
- experience
- under
- their
- collective
- "belts,
- Christina
- and
- Joni
- are
- anxious
- to
- share
- their
- successes
- with
- those
- who
- are
- ready
- to
- step
- with
- both
- feet
- into
- The
- Wisdom's
- "joyful,
- world
- of
- human
- delights."
- This
- book
- is
- just
- the
- beginning
- of
- The
- Wisdom
- Speaks
- Series.
- Watch
- for
- Book
- two,
- 365
- Days
- To
- Enlightenment,
- coming soon.Enjoy!!!!!