The Survivor


After a brutal rape at the hands of his wife, Steven McDaniel is told that he needs to stay away from her. So, he goes to friends...only to find out that they're siding with his wife. His best friend tells him to cut his losses and start over. A night in the homeless shelter, where he resigns himself to doing just that. With barely enough money to scrape by, Steven makes his way to Richmond and begins to start his life over.

However, his estranged wife didn't expect this and starts coming after him. She isn't willing to let the relationship end on his terms. She wants to end it on her terms.

The Survivor is a psychological thriller, which focuses on the difficulties that battered men face when dealing with this situation. Steven McDaniel is a survivor of life-long abuse, as well as addiction. This is his story, parts of which were based on true events that happened to the author.

All proceeds that result from the sales of this book will be donated to RAINN.

TRIGGER WARNING: This book includes a vivid description of a female sexually assaulting a male, adult language, and various forms of abuse.

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