Finding Me


"Finding Me" is a poignant coming-of-age novel that follows the journey of Alyssa Guenthner, a teenager grappling with the aftermath of teenage alcoholism and the challenges of starting anew. As Alyssa navigates the unfamiliar halls of her new school and the streets of an unfamiliar neighborhood, she finds herself isolated and struggling to reconnect with her family.

With her mother and older step-sister still reeling from Alyssa's past struggles, the young protagonist turns to the wisdom of her former guidance counselor and the support of a newly formed girls' support group at school. These connections become her lifeline as she faces the tumultuous waters of adolescence, sobriety, and self-discovery.

As Alyssa's story unfolds, readers will be drawn into her world of raw emotions, hard-earned insights, and unexpected friendships. The novel delves deep into themes of resilience, forgiveness, and the power of community in overcoming personal demons. Through Alyssa's eyes, we witness the delicate balance between seeking independence and accepting help, and the courage it takes to face one's past while forging a new future.

"Finding Me" is a compelling and honest portrayal of teenage struggles with substance abuse, family dynamics, and the universal quest for belonging. It offers a message of hope and healing that will resonate with young adults and parents alike.

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