- This
- moody
- murder
- mystery
- set
- during
- an
- overnight
- train
- journey
- in
- 1950s
- South
- America
- “delights
- like
- strong
- coffee
- savored
- in
- a
- cosmopolitan
- cafe”
- (Publishers
- Weekly).In
- 1952,
- a
- train
- makes
- its
- way
- from
- La
- Paz,
- Bolivia,
- to
- the
- Chilean
- seaport
- of
- Arica.
- Among
- the
- passengers
- are:
- a
- businessman
- with
- his
- much-younger
- wife,
- a
- man
- in
- priest’s
- garb
- hiding
- a
- secret,
- Irish
- and
- Russian
- expatriates,
- a
- miner,
- and
- a
- student.
- Before
- the
- trip
- is
- over,
- there
- will
- be
- many
- revelations—including
- the
- identity
- of
- a
- killer.From
- the
- author
- of
- American
- Visa,
- a
- winner
- of
- Bolivia’s
- National
- Book
- Prize,
- this
- atmospheric
- novel
- is
- “part
- social
- commentary,
- part
- mystery
- thriller
- .
- .
- .
- A
- chilling,
- tragic
- tale”
- (MultiCultural Review).
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