Wrong Turn, Right Heart

Eden Prairie, Bk 2

Reeks: Eden Prairie, Bk 2


Cupid is on the hunt for a very special couple. Grayson Wolff and Jennie Reynolds are at the mercy of his arrow of love. This Valentine's Day their lives will be changed forever.

Grayson Wolff was currently enjoying the success of the microbreweries he'd added to his family's chain of roadhouses. Working and taking care of his nine-year-old nephew didn't leave time in his life for a woman. That all changes when Malibu Barbie comes and orders a Pina Colada with extra fruit. With her California tan and white shorts, she sticks out like a rose among a field of cacti. He didn't do one-night stands, plus he had too much going on in his life to get involved with a blond-haired bimbo. He was so close to achieving his personal goal, and no woman was going to mess it up.

Jennie Reynolds took this little vacation before she starts her new job. Pulling a U-Haul cross-country with her antique Volkswagen bus was a challenge and she'd never received so many middle finger insults in her life. A hot dog motorcycle driver cut her off and she missed her exit. Her cell phone was dead, she was lost, tired, and annoyed. Now she was in some honkey tonk, but her wrong turn wasn't totally bad. The guy sitting next to her met numbers one through five on her, a-guy-must-have list: Neat scruffy beard, stone-gray eyes, tall, lean muscular body, and he was close to her age. Too bad she couldn't stick around long enough for numbers six, seven and eight, great in bed.

The instant attraction takes them both by surprise and handling this new-found love is a definite challenge.

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