Come Fly the World
The Jet-Age Story of the Women of Pan Am
Julia Cooke
- Glamour,
- danger,
- liberation:
- in
- a
- Mad
- Men–era
- of
- commercial
- flight,
- Pan
- Am
- World
- Airways
- attracted
- the
- kind
- of
- young
- woman
- who
- wanted
- out,
- and
- wanted
- upRequired
- to
- have
- a
- college
- education,
- speak
- two
- languages,
- and
- possess
- the
- political
- savvy
- of
- a
- Foreign
- Service
- officer,
- ajet-age
- stewardess
- serving
- on
- iconic
- Pan
- Am
- between
- 1966
- and
- 1975
- also
- had
- to
- be
- between
- 5'3"
- and
- 5'9",
- between
- 105
- and
- 140
- pounds,
- and
- under
- 26
- years
- of
- age
- at
- the
- time
- of
- hire.Cooke’s
- intimate
- storytelling
- weaves
- together
- the
- real-life
- stories
- of
- a
- memorable
- cast
- of
- characters,
- from
- small-town
- girl
- Lynne
- Totten,
- a
- science
- major
- who
- decided
- life
- in
- a
- lab
- was
- not
- for
- her,
- to
- Hazel
- Bowie,
- one
- of
- the
- relatively
- few
- Black
- stewardesses
- of
- the
- era,
- as
- they
- embraced
- the
- liberation
- of
- their
- new
- jet-set
- life.
- Cooke
- brings
- to
- light
- the
- story
- of
- Pan
- Am
- stewardesses’
- role
- in
- the
- Vietnam
- War,
- as
- the
- airline
- added
- runs
- from
- Saigon
- to
- Hong
- Kong
- for
- planeloads
- of
- weary
- young
- soldiers
- straight
- from
- the
- battlefields,
- who
- were
- off
- for
- five
- days
- of
- R&R,
- and
- then
- flown
- back
- to
- war.
- Finally,
- with
- Operation
- Babylift—the
- dramatic
- evacuation
- of
- 2,000
- children
- during
- the
- fall
- of
- Saigon—the
- book’s
- special
- cast
- of
- stewardesses
- unites
- to
- play
- an
- extraordinary
- role
- on
- the
- world stage.
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