Crushing a Friendship
Justice Gray
- Maggie
- and
- Alicia
- are
- friends,
- meeting
- on
- a
- job
- where
- Alicia
- was
- a
- temporary
- worker.
- They
- remained
- friends
- after
- Alicia’s
- two-month
- temporary
- job
- was
- over.
- Alicia
- went
- on
- to
- start
- her
- own
- business
- as
- a
- public
- relations
- specialist,
- freelance
- writer
- and
- photographer
- specializing
- in
- the
- travel
- industry.
- Being
- in
- the
- industry
- Alicia
- got
- a
- number
- of
- subsidized
- trips
- and
- would
- ask
- Maggie
- to
- go
- along
- as
- her
- assistant.
- Later,
- when
- Maggie
- became
- unemployed,
- she
- volunteered
- to
- help
- Alicia
- in
- exchange
- for
- the
- travel.
- Both
- women
- became
- very
- concerned
- about
- their
- health—and
- their
- looks—so
- would
- oftentimes
- talk
- about
- eating
- healthier.
- When
- Alicia
- gave
- Maggie
- a
- book
- on
- healthy
- eating
- that
- she
- truly
- thought
- she
- would
- enjoy,
- Maggie
- turned
- on
- Alicia
- and
- never
- wanted
- to
- see
- or
- speak
- to
- her
- again.
- Although
- Alicia
- tried
- asking
- her
- what
- happened,
- Maggie
- was
- adamant
- on
- having
- no
- contact
- with
- Alicia,
- except
- for
- the
- one
- time
- she
- sent
- her
- a
- letter
- asking
- her
- for
- money
- owed
- to
- her
- for
- accompanying
- her
- on
- her
- trip
- and
- assisting
- her
- with
- office
- work,
- although
- that
- was
- never
- the
- agreement,
- and
- which
- Alicia
- ignored.While
- Maggie
- and
- Alicia
- travelled,
- Maggie
- was
- married
- and
- Alicia
- was
- not,
- but
- Maggie
- would
- still
- flirt
- and
- would
- get
- jealous
- when
- some
- guy
- would
- hit
- on
- Alicia
- that
- Maggie
- had
- her
- eye
- on.
- On
- one
- trip
- she
- wouldn’t
- speak
- to
- Alicia
- for
- the
- remainder
- of
- the
- trip
- even
- though
- they
- shared
- the
- same
- suite.
- Maggie
- on
- numerous
- occasions
- made
- Alicia
- swear
- she
- would
- never
- tell
- Maggie’s
- husband
- of
- any
- of
- her
- infidelities.Upon
- further
- investigation,
- Alicia
- discovered
- that
- about
- the
- time
- Maggie
- was
- asking
- her
- for
- money,
- that
- her
- husband
- was
- unemployed,
- and
- they
- were
- having
- marital problems.
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