The Good Guy
Justin Fraser
- A
- hilarious
- romp
- through
- a
- mountain
- of
- monster
- corpses!
- Ray
- Peril
- was
- destined
- to
- be
- the
- greatest
- villain
- of
- all
- time,
- but
- monsters
- and
- men,
- robots
- and
- dragons,
- sorcerers
- and
- evil
- geniuses
- all
- picked
- the
- wrong
- time
- to
- play
- their
- hand.
- It's
- time
- to
- level
- the
- playing
- field,
- and
- Ray
- Peril
- walks
- a
- straight
- line
- to
- every
- goal.
- Along
- with
- the
- ill-fated
- Tammy
- Knitbar,
- Silence,
- desperately
- clinging
- to
- the
- last
- threads
- of
- her
- humanity,
- and
- an
- unwitting
- vampire
- that
- walks
- in
- sunlight,
- Ray
- Peril
- takes
- on
- every
- evil
- imaginable
- in
- this
- hilarious
- trek
- of
- endless
- action,
- high-strung
- friendships,
- and
- dark
- comedy.
- Follow
- the
- man
- that
- breaks
- the
- deus
- ex
- machina
- in
- The
- Good Guy.
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