- In
- a
- forgotten
- town
- at
- the
- base
- of
- an
- arid,
- rocky
- mountain
- tucked
- in
- the
- middle
- east,
- a
- secret
- United
- States
- military
- test
- mission
- went
- completely
- wrong.
- A
- man
- was
- brutally
- murdered
- and
- justice
- absent.
- Fifteen
- years
- later,
- the
- wound
- still
- hasn’t
- healed
- and
- a
- different
- type
- of
- justice
- is
- sought.A
- rash
- of
- terrorist
- attacks
- break
- out
- in
- America
- and
- pepper
- the
- United
- Kingdom.
- Dozens
- are
- killed
- and
- thousands
- are
- wounded
- with
- no
- end
- in
- sight.
- Each
- one
- is
- unique.
- There
- is
- no
- paradigm.
- Pain
- and
- anger
- blanket
- every
- public
- media
- platform
- and
- threatens
- to
- perpetuate
- a
- cycle
- of
- vengeance.
- Pressure
- mounts
- from
- big
- cities
- to
- small
- towns.
- If
- they
- aren’t
- stopped,
- it
- will
- come
- to
- an
- explosive
- head.
- People
- are
- grieving.Independent
- agent,
- Caleb
- Promise
- is
- unexpectedly
- contacted
- by
- his
- ex-handler,
- Agent
- Jason
- Jones.
- Considering
- how
- they
- parted
- after
- the
- last
- mission,
- he
- thought
- they
- would
- never
- speak
- again
- but
- a
- mysterious
- note
- appeared
- on
- Jason’s
- desk
- at
- the
- Central
- Intelligence
- Agency
- in
- Langley,
- Virginia.
- Another
- is
- slipped
- beneath
- the
- door
- of
- MI-5
- Agent,
- Jean
- Boxley’s
- flat
- in
- Greenford,
- United
- Kingdom.
- Yet
- another,
- found
- in
- the
- burned
- purse
- of
- a
- lead
- choir
- singer.Finding
- the
- tie
- between
- the
- notes
- and
- attacks,
- risks
- the
- one
- thing
- he
- vowed
- he
- would
- never
- lose
- again…
- family.
- The
- solution
- is
- simple
- yet...
- terrifying.
- Can
- Caleb
- absolve
- his
- personal
- fears
- to
- break
- the cycle?
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