Quarantine Island
Escape Hatch Series, #2
Reeks: Escape Hatch Series
K. A. Keener
- has
- turned
- New
- Yorker
- Thalia's
- world
- upside
- down.
- She
- counters
- by
- moving
- to
- the
- other
- side
- of
- the
- world:
- Thailand.
- When
- all
- obstacles
- of
- place
- and
- expectations
- of
- culture
- are
- removed,
- can
- she
- find
- herself?If
- you
- liked
- Eat,
- Pray,
- Love,
- you'll
- adore
- this
- second
- volume
- of
- the
- Escape
- Hatch
- Series.
- corruption,
- the
- seedy
- side
- of
- yoga
- gurus
- and
- one
- digital
- nomad's
- attempt
- to
- find
- authenticity
- in
- a
- community
- of
- foreigners
- and
- seekers
- on
- quarantine
- island.Volume
- Two
- in
- the
- Escape
- Hatch
- Series
- of novellas.
pro-mbooks3 : libris