While We're Young
K. L. Walther
- A
- whirlwind
- romance
- inspired
- by
- Ferris
- Bueller’s
- Day
- Off
- about
- four
- friends
- whose
- hearts
- are
- broken
- and
- mended
- over
- the
- course
- of
- an
- epic
- senior
- skip
- day—from
- the
- bestselling
- author
- of
- The
- Summer
- of
- Broken
- Rules!Grace,
- Isa,
- and
- Everett
- used
- to
- be
- an
- inseparable
- trio
- before
- their
- love
- lives
- became
- a
- tangled
- mess.
- For
- starters,
- Grace
- is
- secretly
- in
- love
- with
- Everett,
- who
- used
- to
- go
- out
- with
- Isa
- before
- breaking
- her
- heart
- in
- the
- infamous
- Freshman
- Year
- Fracture.
- And,
- oh
- yeah,
- no
- one
- knows
- that
- Isa
- has
- been
- hanging
- out
- with
- James,
- Grace’s
- brother—and
- if
- Grace
- finds
- out,
- it
- could
- ruin
- their
- friendship.With
- graduation
- fast
- approaching,
- Grace
- decides
- an
- unsanctioned
- senior
- skip
- day
- in
- Philadelphia
- might
- be
- just
- what
- they
- need
- to
- fix
- things.
- All
- she
- has
- to
- do
- is
- convince
- Isa
- to
- help
- her
- kidnap
- Everett
- and
- outmaneuver
- James,
- who’s
- certain
- his
- sister
- is
- up
- to
- something.In
- an
- epic
- day
- that
- includes
- racing
- up
- the
- famous
- Rocky
- steps,
- taste-testing
- Philly's
- finest
- cheesesteaks,
- and
- even
- crashing
- a
- wedding,
- their
- secrets
- are
- bound
- to
- collide.
- But
- can
- their
- hearts
- withstand
- the wreckage?
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