The Short and Inconvenient Life of Toby


Toby Saint was a happy child, enjoying his short life very much until his untimely murder when he was just three years old.

Unfortunately, those nearest and dearest to Toby had precious little time for the small boy and each had their reasons for needing time apart from him, but that was surely not a motive for murdering one so young.

The police investigate the family thoroughly until, when consumed by guilt and confusion, his mother takes her own life, causing those left to believe she had an involvement in her own son’s demise.

Surely, this would not be the doings of a stranger, though, what would be the motive?

Toby remains omnipresent throughout the book and at the forefront of many of the characters’ thoughts. In fact, he has far more effect on their lives after death than he ever did when he was just a playful boy, as he guides the story of his own murder to its conclusion.

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