It's Maya again. Yes, I'm still a sexaholic. Just ask my two boyfriends, Max and Foster.
And Foster's band mates. You can ask them too, seeing as how I just slept with all of them. Together. Well, maybe the term 'slept with' is misleading. It was more of a shared girlfriend, extreme bondage situation… at a sex club… in front of witnesses. And I loved every dirty second of it.
So yeah, you could definitely say I'm an addict.
Instead of a twelve step program, I'm giving way into temptation and going on tour with The Infidels, so I can witness their imminent rise to rock-stardom, while feeding my addiction.
Everything is going to be just perfect! All I need to do is keep my heart safe from Pace. No big deal…
Too bad that sexy beast has other plans. Plans that include one very hard bargain.