- In
- her
- first
- novel
- since
- The
- One
- and
- Only
- Ivan,
- winner
- of
- the
- Newbery
- Medal,
- Katherine
- Applegate
- delivers
- an
- unforgettable
- and
- magical
- story
- about
- family,
- friendship,
- and
- resilience.Jackson
- and
- his
- family
- have
- fallen
- on
- hard
- times.
- There's
- no
- more
- money
- for
- rent.
- And
- not
- much
- for
- food,
- either.
- His
- parents,
- his
- little
- sister,
- and
- their
- dog
- may
- have
- to
- live
- in
- their
- minivan.
- Again.Crenshaw
- is
- a
- cat.
- He's
- large,
- he's
- outspoken,
- and
- he's
- imaginary.
- He
- has
- come
- back
- into
- Jackson's
- life
- to
- help
- him.
- But
- is
- an
- imaginary
- friend
- enough
- to
- save
- this
- family
- from
- losing
- everything?Beloved
- author
- Katherine
- Applegate
- proves
- in
- unexpected
- ways
- that
- friends
- matter,
- whether
- real
- or
- imaginary.This
- title
- has
- Common
- Core connections.
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