Reviving Hope: Overcoming the Horror of Childhood Sexual Abuse


Written with honesty and compassion after extensive interviews, Reviving Hope exposes childhood sexual abuse through the eyes of a five-year-old girl. Innocent, afraid, and unable to advocate for herself, Hope struggles with guilt and the weight of this evil. Now, as an adult, her candid disclosure of her abuse is offered to increase awareness of this crime against children. She hopes that her story will inspire others to join the effort to end such abuse. Equally important, Hope wants to encourage victims to reach out toward healing and restoration. Therefore, the book lists resources for those who have been, or are being, abused. As Hope reveals, the journey to wholeness can be a difficult one. Abuse has no quick fix. The path to freedom may be strewn with obstacles, but determined survivors can overcome every impediment. Time and support from those who care will help as they walk toward the goal of freedom.

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