Loves Calculated Risk
Shaws Investigations, #2
Reeks: Shaws Investigations
Kay A. Oliver
- From
- Award-winning
- author,
- Kay
- A.
- Oliver
- -
- Love's
- Calculated
- RiskKatherine
- Caffey,
- known
- as
- Kat
- to
- her
- friends,
- is
- thrust
- into
- a
- perilous
- situation
- when
- her
- coworker
- Vince's
- illegal
- actions
- attract
- the
- attention
- of
- a
- notorious
- crime
- syndicate
- boss.
- As
- the
- danger
- escalates,
- Kat's
- professional
- and
- personal
- lives
- intertwine
- in
- a
- high
- stakes
- battle
- to
- save
- her
- client,
- millionaire
- Parker
- Madison,
- from
- being
- unjustly
- imprisoned
- due
- to
- Vince's
- criminal
- dealings.
- Navigating
- a
- treacherous
- world
- of
- deception,
- betrayal,
- and
- survival,
- Kat
- must
- unravel
- a
- complex
- web
- of
- corruption.
- With
- her
- reputation,
- career,
- and
- their
- lives
- on
- the
- line,
- Kat
- faces
- the
- crime
- lord
- head-on.
- Can
- she
- outsmart
- the
- syndicate
- and
- protect
- those
- she
- cares
- about,
- or
- will
- they
- be
- ensnared
- by
- the
- sinister
- forces
- closing
- in
- on them?
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