“The Black Dress” is a short story about a young girl who wants to avoid her grandmother's funeral but follows along after her family anyway.
"The Girl on the Moon" is a short story about a young girl who's grown up hearing stories about the surface of her home on the moon, so despite the warnings, she ventures out on her own.
“Motherhood” is a short story showcasing the hectic morning Jade has as she’s trying to get her family to the airport on time. Her husband and two kids prove to make that goal difficult to reach.
"Darlene" is a short story about a young adult who has moved into their own home only to be terrorized by an unknown force.
"Almost Perfect" is a short story about a young man who meets the love of his life in high school and follows their journey to happily ever after. But that never as happy as the storybooks make it seem.