This unique and hopeful biography collection explores the lives of 29 individuals from diverse backgrounds who turned their childhood struggles – their personal “troublemakers” – into strengths that enabled them to live their lives to the fullest.
Troublemakers and Superpowers is filled with hopeful stories that explore the lives of individuals from diverse backgrounds who have had to navigate a “troublemaker” in their childhood, such as trauma, depression, ADHD, OCD, anxiety, or dyslexia. Each of these individuals had a turning point in their life that enabled them to understand not only their struggles but also their strengths and ultimately learn how to use them to go after their dreams.
Did you know…
Each profile includes a full-page illustrated portrait and three pages devoted to the subject’s inspiring story, which is interwoven with vibrant, playful art and illustrated quotes that highlight significant moments in each subject's story.
The book also includes:
The incredible stories of the individuals in this book are filled with hope and inspiration for kids, ages 8 and up, who are struggling with challenges in their lives, as well as for kids who love biographies. All readers will have a better understanding of what it's like to grow up with "troublemakers" and how they can be seen as "superpowers."