The award-winning creator of Eberron® infiltrates the magical cities of the feyspires.
Thorn’s latest mission: protect the prince of Cyre, a monarch in name only since his country was destroyed by the Mourning. But in that same cataclysm, seven cities of the Feywild—the feyspires—were trapped on the plain of Eberron, a concurrence the eladrin who rule the feyspires insist is no coincidence. They insist that with the right pieces they can repair the devastation of the Mourning. All they need are a few missing –one in the heart of a mysterious Cyran soldier and one that’s lodged in Thorn’s spine, carrying the soul of the Angel of Flame.
Intense secret agent action with all the magic and mystery of Eberron—the Thorn of Breland series has been a perfect mix of fantasy and adventure. James Bond meets J.R.R. Tolkien.