Renee and Colleen have been friends—best friends—since they were college roommates their freshman year. But a lot happens between college and your early 30s. Renee stayed in St. Louis, where the two moved after college, and left her nonprofit job to work in catering for her boyfriend's family. Colleen got married, moved to the Chicago suburbs, and started having kids.
But when Renee's life is suddenly uprooted, she shows up on Colleen's doorstep with little more than a broken heart and an overnight bag. She envies Colleen, who has it all—a loving husband, three adorable kids, and the ability to stay home to take care of them. She has no idea that Colleen is facing her own struggles. As a SAHM (Stay-at-Home Mom), she's always aware that she has the most important job in the world, even if it offers no sick days, no vacation time, and no pay. So why does she feel so isolated and alone, even when she's surrounded by fellow SAHMs who all seem to be perfectly happy?
When Renee and Colleen were in college, they made a pact. No matter what happened, they would always be honest with each other, even if the truth hurt. But it's all but impossible to be honest with anyone all of the time—even, or especially, with yourself. In Kelly James-Enger's latest novel, The Honesty Index, these two friends try to navigate the waters of their 30-something lives—and learn that regardless of what kind of life you have, it's up to you to make yourself happy.
Kelly James-Enger is an author and ghostwriter who lives in a Chicago suburb very much like the one described in this book. She shares her home with one husband, one son, one daughter, and one golden retriever. Author of more than a dozen published nonfiction books, The Honesty Index is her third novel. Her first two novels, Did you Get the Vibe?, and White Bikini Panties, are currently available as e-books.