During a time in their lives when a much-needed vacation is in order, Dr. Erin Mathews and her husband Craig Johnson find themselves involved in an unexpected adventure in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula. Erin, a world-renowned archeologist, recently completed her share of some research work. Craig, the owner of an international security firm, has just hired two new agents, he hopes will allow him to spend more time at home in New York. They choose an exclusive resort in Cancun, and are looking forward to rest, water sports, fine dining and isolation from the distractions of work. When a Mexican archeologist call, their plans are shattered.
A newly discovered sinkhole under the fabled Kukulcan Temple, at Chichén Itza, is threatening the structure and all that lies within. A team is assembled, including the leader, two additional archeologists and a group of six graduate students. As work is begun, a five-man group of men, considering themselves direct descendants of the Mayan builders of the site, are determined to prevent the desecration of their holy site. Continuous spying, Erin's short-lived abduction and armed conflicts with the police, turn the archeological investigations into a nightmare.
This history-filled, fast moving story follows the efforts of the two opposing groups to each reach their goals. In the end, Craig brings down some of his agents and together with the police at last capture the men, while Erin and the team complete their mission.