The Paradox Register


"The Paradox Register' tells the story of 'You' the keeper of the Paradox Register. The Paradox Register is a document which lists names, dates and events which, if changed, will adversely affect the future of mankind in the years and centuries to come. The Paradox Register is a handwritten ledger which is updated regularly by travellers from the future. It is passed on through the generations until it reaches a point in time when time travel is possible. In this way mistakes and malicious actions of the past can be rectified without creating a time paradox.

"You", the keeper of the Paradox Register disappear along with the vitally important document itself. The future begins to change. Now instead of a generally peaceful and affluent existence in the future, human kind has been thrust into a period of upheaval. The world has been beset by the Clunestine wars which have raged for decades. Billions of people have been killed. In 2421 the world is ruled by one man, the ancestor of the charismatic cult leader responsible for the death of billions. He rules with an iron fist, an insatiable thirst for violence and a love for the suffering of others. Almost ninety percent of the worlds vastly depleted population now lives in virtual slavery.

Guided by a message delivered to him from the past, our narrator travels back in time and begins to search for 'You" and the precious Register.

He finds the world has changed radically from what it should have been. He has no idea of who "You" are and what he is supposed to do to recover the precious Paradox Register. He is like a fish out of water, a stranger in a strange land. How is he to succeed in retrieving the Paradox Register and put the future back on its correct path when, as he himself puts it, he can't even use eating sticks?

pro-mbooks3 : libris