BrotherHood of Mifits: Roc

Brotherhood of Misfits, #1

Reeks: Brotherhood of Misfits


What would you do with a second chance at life?

Would you go back to the same things that you were doing before, or would you embrace that chance and take a new path?

Being the byproduct of a single parent home growing up, I learned quickly that life wasn’t easy and it damn sure wasn’t fair.

I was faced with a choice back then; continue to stand back and watch my mother struggle with working three jobs to pay bills, put food in our stomachs, and clothes on our backs or do something about it. I chose to do something about it and for three years everything was going well, until the day

That my life changed forever.

When I met Jethro-Elijah ‘Eli’ Shepard, he told me that just because I wasn’t given a choice in how my life was dealt to me, didn’t mean that I’m not given a chance. He showed me that no matter what people say about you and what life throws your way, that you always have the option to either accept it or defy the odds to become something greater.

My name is Archibald ‘Roc’ Rochester. When I was seventeen, I was given my second chance. How did it turn out? Well, you’ll just have to read my story to find out.

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