An epic romantic tale set in ancient Egypt revolves around Sen Mut, a poor shepherd living in one of the slums of Thebes. Despite his poverty, he leads a simple and happy life. His life takes a dramatic turn when he falls in love with Princess Nefertari, the Pharaoh's daughter, whom he sees for the first time on the banks of the Nile. Sen Mut, the dreamy lover, finds himself torn between the impossible love for the Pharaoh's daughter and his humble status as a poor shepherd.
One night, a genie appears to him, offering to help him achieve his dream of becoming a great knight. Upon accepting the offer, Sen Mut transforms into the "Black Knight," a powerful warrior unmatched in bravery and valor.
The story showcases the power of love and human will in the face of challenges and hardships. Despite his transformation into a legendary knight, Sen Mut's heart remains deeply in love with Princess Nefertari, highlighting the conflict between soul and body, and the impossible love that transcends time and space.