In 1945, thirty-three-year-old Jessie Lowrey is summoned back to Greyson Manor. The huge mansion served as the backdrop of her childhood, as her father worked on the extensive grounds and her mother served as personal maid to Mrs. McGovern, the estate's matriarch, who is now dying of cancer and wants to make amends.
The visit stirs nostalgia in Jessie, a journey of memory taking her back in time to 1918, when her family first arrives at the estate to work in service to the family. As the two are close in age, Jessie is assigned to be essentially a living toy for the McGovern daughter, Heaven. The girls quickly grow inseparable, exploring everything from the expansive grounds, to the endless corridors and rooms, which still echo with girlish giggles…to each other.
When heartache strikes, along with the stock market crash of 1929, the two young women are torn apart by deeply buried secrets, which Jessie will have to face and unbury, piece by piece, to find her way home.
Will Heaven be waiting for her?