Picnics At Matilda Bay


Emigration from South Africa to ‘greener pastures’ has been a topical debate for a long time in this country. ”Most of our life-altering decisions are made with a lot of mental adversity. As humans we are always weary and cautious of making a final stand on an important issue, knowing that if it is the wrong path, we will have to admit to our wrong choice, and ultimately live with the consequences.
The decision we, as a family of four made in April 2000 to leave our country of birth and all that it stood for, to start a new life in Perth, Australia, was very difficult, thought provoking on life in general, and a huge lesson in emotional growth. After over a year of deliberating and planning, our final decision to go, was based on what Brenton, my husband, and myself thought was the correct one for our two most important reasons for being on this earth in the first place - our children, Devon and Keelyn.

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