The Essence
A Pledge Novel
Reeks: The Pledge Trilogy
Kimberly Derting
- “Danger,
- dread,
- mystery,
- and
- romance”
- (Booklist)
- continue
- in
- the
- second
- book
- of
- The
- Pledge
- trilogy,
- as
- Charlie’s
- reign
- is
- under
- siege
- from
- the
- most
- unusual
- of
- enemies.At
- the
- luminous
- conclusion
- of
- The
- Pledge,
- Charlaina
- defeated
- the
- tyrant
- Sabara
- and
- took
- her
- place
- as
- Queen
- of
- Ludania.
- But
- Charlie
- knows
- that
- Sabara
- has
- not
- disappeared:
- The
- evil
- queen’s
- Essence
- is
- fused
- to
- Charlie’s
- psyche,
- ready
- to
- arise
- at
- the
- first
- sign
- of
- weakness.Charlie
- is
- not
- weak,
- but
- she’s
- being
- pushed
- to
- the
- brink.
- In
- addition
- to
- suppressing
- the
- ever-present
- influence
- of
- Sabara,
- she’s
- busy
- being
- queen—and
- battling
- a
- growing
- resistance
- determined
- to
- return
- Ludania
- to
- its
- discriminatory
- caste
- system.
- Charlie
- wants
- to
- be
- the
- same
- girl
- Max
- loves,
- who
- Brook
- trusts,
- but
- she’s
- Your
- Majesty
- now,
- and
- she
- feels
- torn
- in
- two.As
- Charlie
- journeys
- to
- an
- annual
- summit
- to
- meet
- with
- leaders
- of
- nearby
- Queendoms—an
- event
- where
- her
- ability
- to
- understand
- all
- languages
- will
- be
- the
- utmost
- asset—she
- is
- faced
- with
- the
- ultimate
- betrayal.
- And
- the
- only
- person
- she
- can
- turn
- to
- for
- help
- is
- the
- evil
- soul
- residing within.
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