Libby Loves Science: States of Matter
Reeks: I Can Read
Kimberly Derting ; Shelli R. Johannes
- Libby
- loves
- science!
- In
- this
- STEM-themed
- Level
- 3
- I
- Can
- Read!
- title,
- Libby
- and
- her
- friends
- learn
- about
- solids,
- liquids,
- and
- gases.
- A
- great
- choice
- for
- aspiring
- scientists,
- new
- readers,
- and
- fans
- of
- Andrea
- Beaty’s
- Ada
- Twist,
- Scientist.
- Includes
- activities,
- a
- glossary,
- and
- a
- fun
- science
- experiment
- to
- do
- at
- home.Libby
- loves
- science—and
- experimenting!
- In
- this
- Level
- 3
- I
- Can
- Read!
- title,
- Libby
- and
- her
- classmates
- are
- excited
- to
- welcome
- a
- new
- student
- into
- their
- classroom.
- When
- the
- ice
- cream
- for
- the
- welcome
- party
- melts,
- Libby
- is
- curious
- to
- see
- how
- the
- three
- states
- of
- matter
- can
- save
- the
- celebration.
- Experiment
- with
- Libby
- and
- find
- out!The
- Loves
- Science
- books
- introduce
- readers
- to
- girls
- who
- love
- science,
- as
- well
- as
- basic
- concepts
- of
- science,
- technology,
- engineering,
- and
- math.
- This
- Level
- 3
- I
- Can
- Read!
- explores
- how
- solids,
- liquids,
- and
- gases
- are
- all
- around
- us,
- and
- includes
- two
- experiments
- to
- try
- at
- home
- or
- school,
- as
- well
- as
- a
- glossary.
- A
- great
- pick
- for
- newly
- independent
- readers
- and
- an
- ideal
- companion
- to
- Cece
- Loves
- Science:
- Push
- and
- Pull,
- Libby
- Loves
- Science:
- Mix
- and
- Measure,
- Vivi
- Loves
- Science:
- Sink
- or
- Float,
- and
- Vivi
- Loves
- Science:
- Wind
- and Water.