Lighter Than Air
Krishna's Mercy
- "Lighter
- Than
- Air"
- is
- a
- collection
- of
- essays
- describing
- bhakti-yoga,
- the
- science
- of
- self-realization,
- and
- Krishna
- consciousness
- based
- off
- select
- verses
- from
- sacred
- Vedic
- texts
- like
- Bhagavad-gita,
- Ramayana,
- Chaitanya
- Charitamrita,
- and
- others.
- Estimated
- length
- of
- 274
- pages."In
- motion,
- speed,
- splendor,
- and
- lightness,
- O
- great
- monkey,
- you,
- O
- hero,
- are
- exactly
- like
- your
- father,
- the
- very
- powerful
- wind-god."
- (Sugriva
- speaking
- to
- Hanuman,
- Valmiki
- Ramayana,
- Kishkindha
- Kand, 44.5)
pro-mbooks3 : libris