Welcoming Rama
Krishna's Mercy
- “Those
- great
- saints,
- who
- are
- knowers
- of
- dharma
- and
- greatly
- fortunate,
- spoke
- these
- words
- to
- me:
- ‘Rama
- will
- visit
- your
- very
- pious
- ashrama.
- Along
- with
- Saumitra
- [Lakshmana],
- you
- should
- offer
- Rama
- the
- greatest
- hospitality
- as
- your
- guest.
- Thus
- after
- seeing
- Him,
- as
- a
- benediction,
- you
- will
- ascend
- to
- the
- eternal
- realm.’”
- (Shabari
- speaking
- to
- Lord
- Rama,
- Valmiki
- Ramayana,
- Aranya
- Kand,
- 74.15-16)“Welcoming
- Rama”
- is
- a
- collection
- of
- nine
- essays
- discussing
- the
- verses
- in
- the
- Ramayana
- which
- describe
- the
- time
- when
- Rama
- and
- Lakshmana
- visited
- the
- female
- ascetic
- Shabari
- in
- the forest.
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