Beverly Bonnefinche is Dead
Kristen Seeley
- For
- fans
- of
- Gail
- Honeyman,
- a
- poignant
- book
- club
- fiction
- novel
- that
- delves
- deep
- into
- mental
- health
- and
- the
- power
- of
- resilience.Socially
- awkward,
- anxiety-riddled
- Beverly
- Bonnefinche
- only
- loves
- three
- things
- in
- life:
- her
- parents,
- books,
- and
- a
- homeless
- man
- named
- Bill.
- Without
- them,
- the
- only
- way
- Beverly
- manages
- to
- get
- by
- each
- day
- is
- with
- the
- help
- of
- a
- peculiar
- coping
- mechanism
- that
- allows
- her
- to
- dissolve
- her
- feelings.Yet
- everything
- changes
- for
- Beverly
- when
- she
- meets
- Henry,
- a
- persistent,
- friendly
- man
- who
- sees
- something
- in
- Beverly
- most
- people
- have
- missed.
- As
- their
- relationship
- develops,
- despite
- her
- best
- intentions,
- Beverly
- soon
- finds
- herself
- stepping
- outside
- of
- her
- carefully
- controlled
- life
- and
- forging
- new
- friendships.It’s
- only
- when
- a
- series
- of
- twists
- and
- turns
- threatens
- to
- unravel
- her
- new
- life,
- and
- her
- mind,
- that
- Beverly
- must
- determine
- if
- she’s
- got
- it
- in
- her
- to
- stop
- trudging
- through
- life—and
- finally
- start
- living
- it.Emotional
- and
- witty,
- Beverly
- Bonnefinche
- is
- Dead
- is
- an
- unforgettable
- story
- of
- love,
- loss,
- friendship,
- and
- what
- it
- means
- to
- find
- the
- courage
- to
- be
- who
- you
- are
- ultimately.Please
- note
- that
- Beverly
- Bonnefinche
- comes
- with
- important
- content
- warnings
- such
- as
- pregnancy
- loss,
- mental
- illness
- and
- attempted suicide.