Jellyfish. A Journey through Life, Death and Beyond


Water, warm and still and soft. The sea was dark, but surrounding him were tiny lights turning on and off ever so gently. Andrew was not alone; little jellyfish were gently moving through the water, and their long, soft arms occasionally caressed his body. He felt loved and united with the water and the jellyfish….

"This is what Enlightenment feels like," Andrew told me. "So soft and natural, so simple and gentle…."

Jellyfish is the story Andrew wanted to write for you: to share with you the profound lessons he learned facing his own death, what occurred when he died, and his experience after he died. Andrew passed before he could write Jellyfish, so I wondered if I could do it for him. "But how?" I asked.

Within three months of Andrew's passing, the magic of life spun, and I was introduced to people who helped me communicate with Andrew and allow him to write through me. He sends you practical messages that speak directly to you about how to trust, allow, and let go so your heart can take centre stage, leaving your head in the background.

It is the head, Andrew says, that dissects life into what it likes and does not like. When life is smooth and easy, the head is happy. The head resists and gets agitated, though, when life is challenging and painful. This is not so with the heart, which loves both spectrums of life. The heart loves all of life.

How we view life is like how we view jellyfish. Some love jellyfish, seeing them as graceful and silent, while others hate them. After all, they sting, sometimes even kill! Life, too, involves beauty and ugliness, pain and pleasure, living and dying. But to the heart, these are just words. From the heart's perspective, life is life, just as jellyfish are jellyfish, dancing their dance. The question is, are you dancing, too?

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