(A warning from the author: This series explores serious issues of male abuse of power, and female strength. The main character, Leeth, is both innocent and dangerous, and still has a lot to learn about life in general.)
Leeth: former experimental subject -- now embracing her deadly new career.
The year is 2063 – 27 years after magic returned to our world. Leeth has survived a childhood as the unwitting subject of Dr Harmon’s unethical experiments at the Institute for Paranormal Dysfunction. She is now an eager assassin for a government black ops department.
Her missions: seduce and destroy.
But Harmon, knowing she’s unprepared for the emotional cost of those missions, sees in that pain the key to her magical development and survival.
Magic, however, can be subtle – from shattered remnants, new seeds can grow. And when the artifact of a Death God is added to the mix, it won’t be Leeth alone who is tested.