Jared and his friends, his virtual family, are drawn together from all four species in the Alliance. They are the Misborn, they agree, hiding talents that set them apart from their own people. Comfortable in their little group, they live quiet normal lives with work, and lovers, and now children, the ordinary sort of lives they want. But entities from another dimension have moved into this universe through an portal accidentally opened. They probably want this universe, or at least a large portion of it, although they really don't know how it works, or how to live in it. They certainly want to get rid of this multi-species group that can actually drive them away. So Jared and his friends are assaulted by such unusual enemies as a potty-mouthed field mouse, a pornographically-minded spider-like pest, a heavy-handed bully obsessed with attacking them. The Misborn, with a collection of eccentric assistants and the occasional assistance of a mysterious fifth species they do not really understand, must use their talents and their wits to fend off these invaders, only hoping they can save their own sanity along with the universe!