A loving partners guide for a better long-term relationship
Wisdom is learning from other people's mistakes
Smartness is learning from own mistakes
Dumbness is never learning
The best thing you can do is learn from this ebook
these lessons and secrets are from my own past 3 years of experience
You don't have to face all of those challenges and relationship problems to come to these lessons,
I'm here for you.
I have been in a relationship with my partner for over 3 years now, and like every couple we have had our ups and down, and know what was the worst part of our relationship. None, I really enjoyed every moment of our relationship, even fights, don't worry I'm not some psycho, it's just that every moment with her was a unique experience on its own, I loved it
But the sad part was that whenever a special day came for us, we used to fight or argue a lot and sometimes we used to fight for silly reasons
But over the years I learned to manage her, and she has also learned to manage me and we both found 6 best things that we learned while being in a relationship with each other and those 6 things are the ones we shared in this ebook
And I dedicate all my life lessons to her because after she came I learned a lot about myself
So by not getting off stream and coming back to what I was saying
These 6 things will help you in your relationship a lot, whether they are your intimate relationship,
family relationships
you have issues communicating
"This book is for both men and women"
And how you'll know I'm the one who you should listen to? Well, I have solved the problems of a lot of people through my Podcast and other medium you can check out my website as well.
I'll also share a link to my podcast and email feel free to contact me anytime you want ( but don't feel bad if I reply to you after a few days because I'm busy and you guys who'll get this ebook are the ones who will know my personal email so you should also feel a little special )