Fat & Bones
And Other Stories
Larissa Theule
- Welcome
- to
- Bald's
- farm.
- Well,
- perhaps
- it's
- not
- Bald's
- farm
- anymore.
- The
- old
- man
- has
- kicked
- the
- bucket,
- setting
- off
- a
- wave
- of
- conflict
- from
- the
- flooded
- farmhouse
- kitchen
- to
- the
- muddy
- pig
- pen
- to
- the
- tall
- wheat
- fields.
- In
- this
- darkly
- funny,
- slightly
- supernatural
- chain
- of
- tales,
- no
- creature
- is
- safe.
- Not
- Leonard
- Grey,
- a
- spider
- with
- sophisticated
- tastes.
- Not
- Esmeralda,
- a
- resentful
- one-legged
- pig.
- Not
- Tulip,
- a
- plant
- with
- a
- mean
- streak.
- And
- as
- for
- Bones,
- the
- old
- man's
- son,
- and
- Fat,
- his
- winged
- rival?
- They'll
- learn
- that
- danger
- lurks
- in
- the
- strangest
- of places...
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