The Bobbsey Twins in the Great West
Laura Lee Hope
- The
- Bobbsey
- Twins
- are
- the
- principal
- characters
- of
- what
- was,
- for
- many
- years,
- the
- longest-running
- series
- of
- children's
- novels.
- The
- books
- related
- the
- adventures
- of
- the
- children
- of
- the
- middle-class
- Bobbsey
- family,
- which
- included
- two
- sets
- of
- fraternal
- twins:
- Bert
- and
- Nan,
- who
- where
- 12
- years
- old,
- and
- Flossie
- and
- Freddie,
- who
- where
- six.
- Share
- the
- stories
- of
- your
- childhood
- with
- your
- children
- and
- grandchildren!
- Here
- are
- the
- original
- Bobbsey
- Twin adventures.