Seasonal Work
Laura Lippman
- New
- York
- Times
- bestseller
- Laura
- Lippman
- showcases
- why
- she
- is
- one
- of
- today’s
- top
- crime
- writers
- in
- this
- acclaimed
- collection
- of
- suspenseful
- stories
- featuring
- fierce
- women—including
- one
- never-before-published
- novella.“A
- first-rate
- collection,
- an
- obvious
- must
- for
- the
- legions
- of
- Lippman
- fans,
- but
- also
- great
- reading
- for
- anyone
- who
- savors
- short
- crime
- fiction.”
- —
- Booklist
- (starred
- review)The
- award-winning
- master
- of
- psychological
- suspense
- is
- in
- top
- form
- in
- this
- collection
- of
- diverse
- and
- diabolically
- clever
- stories.In
- the
- never-before-published
- “Just
- One
- More,”
- a
- married
- couple—longing
- for
- that
- old
- romantic
- spark—creates
- a
- playful
- diversion
- that
- comes
- with
- unexpected
- consequences.Lippman’s
- beloved
- Baltimore
- PI
- Tess
- Monaghan
- keeps
- a
- watchful
- eye
- on
- a
- criminally
- resourceful
- single
- father
- in
- “Seasonal
- Work,”
- while
- her
- mother,
- Judith,
- realizes
- that
- the
- life
- of
- “The
- Everyday
- Housewife”is
- an
- excellent
- cover
- for
- all
- kinds
- of
- secrets.In
- “Slow
- Burner,”
- a
- husband’s
- secret
- cell
- phone
- proves
- to
- be
- a
- dicey
- temptation
- for
- a
- suspicious
- wife.A
- father’s
- hidden
- past
- piques
- the
- curiosity
- of
- a
- young
- snoop
- in
- “The
- Last
- of
- Sheila-Locke
- Holmes.”Plus
- seven
- other
- brilliantly
- crafted
- stories
- of
- deception,
- murder,
- dangerous
- games,
- and
- love
- gone
- wrong—irrefutable
- evidence
- that
- Laura
- Lippman’s
- riveting
- fiction
- will
- more
- than
- satisfy
- any
- crime reader.
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