"Umbra Daemonium" is a story about a family facing a parent's worst nightmare. Their young son is being stalked by a shadowy creature and they have to figure out how to fight back before they lose their little boy.
"Predator Hunting" features a not quite human woman who hunts the worst criminals she can find- sex traffickers.
In "Jeffry's Gift", Jeffry is a regular young man in love with a Superhero. Their relationship becomes strained by his feelings of jealousy and inadequacy. Can their love survive?
Similar to "The Most Dangerous Game", "Nature's Bounty" has unexpected twists and a high 'Creepy' rating.
A break from horror, the fantasy story "Smiley's Revenge" is about a unicorn with a mysterious past. What will he do when he finds out the secret everyone has kept from him?
Two wolves encounter a lost and wandering family, including a small child. How will the wild pair react to the people trespassing onto their land? "City Slickers" will appeal to animal lovers everywhere!
To find out "What's Underneath", young Enrique must explore every nook and cranny. Unfortunately, he finds more than he expects when he crawls into a mysterious hillside tunnel.
With a high 'Ick' factor, "Odiferous Romance" explores the love an odd woman feels for a decomposing zombie.