That Summer
A Novel
Lauren Willig
- From
- modern-day
- England
- to
- the
- early
- days
- of
- the
- Preraphaelite
- movement,
- Lauren
- Willig's
- That
- Summer
- takes
- readers
- on
- an
- unputdownable
- journey
- through
- a
- mysterious
- old
- house,
- a
- hidden
- love
- affair,
- and
- one
- woman's
- search
- for
- the
- truth
- about
- her
- past—and
- herself."Willig
- reaches
- deep
- into
- her
- characters'
- souls
- to
- depict
- tragedy,
- triumph
- and
- the
- depth
- of
- love."
- —RT
- Book
- Reviews
- (4
- ½
- stars)2009:
- When
- Julia
- Conley
- hears
- that
- she
- has
- inherited
- a
- house
- outside
- London
- from
- an
- unknown
- great-aunt,
- she
- assumes
- it's
- a
- joke.
- She
- hasn't
- been
- back
- to
- England
- since
- the
- car
- crash
- that
- killed
- her
- mother
- when
- she
- was
- six,
- an
- event
- she
- remembers
- only
- in
- her
- nightmares.
- But
- when
- she
- arrives
- at
- Herne
- Hill
- to
- sort
- through
- the
- house—with
- the
- help
- of
- her
- cousin
- Natasha
- and
- sexy
- antiques
- dealer
- Nicholas—bits
- of
- memory
- start
- coming
- back.
- And
- then
- she
- discovers
- a
- pre-Raphaelite
- painting,
- hidden
- behind
- the
- false
- back
- of
- an
- old
- wardrobe,
- and
- a
- window
- onto
- the
- house's
- shrouded
- history
- begins
- to
- open...1849:
- Imogen
- Grantham
- has
- spent
- nearly
- a
- decade
- trapped
- in
- a
- loveless
- marriage
- to
- a
- much
- older
- man,
- Arthur.
- The
- one
- bright
- spot
- in
- her
- life
- is
- her
- step-daughter,
- Evie,
- a
- high-spirited
- sixteen
- year
- old
- who
- is
- the
- closest
- thing
- to
- a
- child
- Imogen
- hopes
- to
- have.
- But
- everything
- changes
- when
- three
- young
- painters
- come
- to
- see
- Arthur's
- collection
- of
- medieval
- artifacts,
- including
- Gavin
- Thorne,
- a
- quiet
- man
- with
- the
- unsettling
- ability
- to
- read
- Imogen
- better
- than
- anyone
- ever
- has.
- When
- Arthur
- hires
- Gavin
- to
- paint
- her
- portrait,
- none
- of
- them
- can
- guess
- what
- the
- hands
- of
- fate
- have
- set
- in motion.
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